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Bradford MBA Admissions Details and Applications Essays: 2016-17

Here is a snapshot of the vital information for the applicants


  1. Please outline your most significant achievement to date
  2. What do you expect to gain personally from studying for a postgraduate qualification in business and management?
  3. What do you expect to contribute to the MBA experience of your peers in the class you join?
  4. What are your career intentions?


Rolling basis



Current Class Size


Female Student


Male Student

Data not available.

International Students


Average Work Experience

Data not available.

Average GMAT

Data not available.

Average GPA


Total Tuition Fee

Data not available.

Application Fee




TOEFL Requirement

Data not available.

School Based Loan

Need based as well as profile based.

Scholarships/GA Opportunities

Bradford Essays Writing and Editing Support

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The University saw its inception in 1839 by the name of Newbury Biblical Institute in Newbury, Vermont. The Institute relocated to Boston in 1867 and was named as Boston Theological Institute. In 1869, three trustees of the Institute pioneered an effort to obtain a charter from Massachusetts Legislature for a university by the name of Boston University. A fire broke out in 1872 that destroyed one of the buildings and the insurance companies with which the building was insured were already facing bankruptcy. Hence, left with no other option, the land was sold piecemeal as development site. Later, the University housed its new facilities in Beacon Hill, Boylston Street and Copley Square. The School President Lemuel Murlin led an effort towards buying a 15 acre land along the Charles River in order to unify the geographically scattered school. His successor Daniel L. Marsh led a series of fund- raising campaigns in tandem with Murlin’s efforts. Under the presidency of John Silber, the School saw much expansion and a new building for School of Management came into being.


We prepare innovative and ethical leaders who understand the impact of business on society and create value for the world. Our students comprehend organizational systems, the vital role of leadership, and the forces transforming the global economy. We generate scholarly knowledge and insights that advance management practice through our research, teaching, and community engagement.

Core Strengths of the School

Boston University’s Questrom School of Business provides an interactive learning experience for the students, where they collaborate with their cohort colleagues in order to understand the global business dynamics. Students work with their cohorts on group assignments and projects that foster mutual learning and knowledge sharing. Students immerse themselves into the unique curriculum of the program that provides a solid grounding of the business fundamentals. The curriculum emphasizes on building contemporary business perspectives and instilling strong management skills in its participants. Students collaborate with cohorts from different functional areas over case studies, where they learn the techniques to solve a business challenge without creating new issues and optimize their results. Students get the exposure to work on tools that aid a manager to take sound business decisions. Students learn to design and implement effective business strategies by developing an understanding of the current business models and strategies adopted by companies and leveraging the external environment and internal resources of a firm.

Uniqueness in MBA Pedagogy

The learning goals of the MBA program are structured around integrating leadership with ethics, where students develop an understanding of the strategic implications of their business decisions. The aim of the program is to develop a strong understanding of the core business fundamentals and train students to apply their analytical and critical thinking skills. The School boasts of ingraining global management perspectives in its students. Further, the MBA program cuts across traditional methods of education and emphasizes on interactive learning experiences through group projects, case studies and simulations. Students participate in a major simulation carried out in separate teams for days together, where they get exposure to the iterative decision-making process of the real world. The International Field Seminars for graduate students is an opportunity for students to meet and interact with high profile executives of companies belonging to developing countries like India and Brazil.

The Institute for Technology Entrepreneurship & Commercialization offers a range of entrepreneurship classes to the students in order to encourage the budding entrepreneurs in the campus. Students who have a business concept in mind can get its future validated by working at the incubator of the Buzz Lab, where they can get mentorship from renowned faculty members and access to tools and resources required for developing the prototype of their product. There are competitions such as New Venture Competition organized by Buzz Lab that gives an opportunity to the students to implement their business ideas. The Business Startup Bootcamp helps students connect with industry experts from various functional areas who provide insights into business strategies and management challenges.



Boston is a world-class hub of entrepreneurial and business resources. The city houses an array of universities, research and technology centers, and financial institutions that require and reward young and talented minds. Students seek advantage of the unparalleled connections that they make with corporate, startups, scientific and business organizations. Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Opera House, Wilbur Theater, and Shubert Theatre are a sought after destination for theatre, drama, music and opera lovers. The art, museums and architecture of the city are its cultural assets. The Fenway Park, America’s most loved Ballpark, is just two blocks away from the campus.


The Feld Career Center FCC partners with the students from the day they join School in order to make them market ready. The Center provides one-to-one coaching so that a student’s strengths, academic experiences and goals are aligned with the skills demanded by the employers. The career coaches who carry immense experience guide the students in leveraging their network and identifying the best internship and full-time job opportunities available in the market. The career consultants regularly meet the students to discuss their career progress and analyze whether the students have achieved the milestones that they had set for themselves. FCC helps students connect with the extensive alumni network who make regular visits to the campus and engage with the students over case competitions and networking events. Students play a proactive role in Student Clubs and Organizations, where they make company visits and treks to employer sites. The Case Interview BootCamp, Interview Panel Discussion, Networking Events and Employer Informational Sessions are some of the events organized by FCC in order to enhance the career development of the students. Students get access to Vault and Wetfeet industry guides, where they can get all the information regarding a prospective employer.


Tablets and smartphones may affect social and emotional development, scientists speculate


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