How to Crack the GMAT Reading Comprehension


While engaged in GMAT Prep, you must remember that practice works wonders. A section you can never practice enough for is the challenging Reading Comprehension as the passages can be on any topic under the Sun.

But practice will surely build your accuracy and speed. Reputed trainers for GMAT Prep will tell you the degree of accuracy and the speed to be targetted.

Approach GMAT Prep with focus on honing your analytical skills. In the RC part, your skills at interpretation and analysis, and ability to draw inferences will be tested. Some passages might even require you to interpret numerical data.

While practicing RCs during your GMAT Prep, you will observe that questions are asked on the main ideas and facts presented in the passage, the tone of the passage and the possible inferences. Remember that the information provided is sufficient to answer posed questions.

There will be 4 passages, each up to 350 words. Each passage will be followed by 3 or 4 questions.

As soon as you decide to go in for GMAT Prep, develop a reading habit. While this is certainly not sufficient to crack the GMAT RC, it helps improve your reading speed and your vocabulary. The non-native speakers will benefit much.

During your GMAT Prep, learn time-efficient ways. Make it a habit to not re-read RC passages multiple times. Read each sentence carefully and critically. After reading each paragraph, spend a few seconds thinking about the purpose of the particular paragraph. Forming links between the paragraphs, try to understand the structure of the passage and the ideas it seeks to convey. Experienced trainers for GMAT Prep can guide you on how to do this well.

Some passages on the GMAT have complex words and sentences, intended to confuse the test-taker. In such cases, paraphrasing might help grasp the expressed ideas better. Your GMAT Prep should equip you to handle such passages too.

With sustained practice all through your GMAT Prep, you will become efficient at quickly picking up the essentials. You will be able to notice subtle differences in tone and register shifts in the argument. Being alert to words such as “but”, “however” and “nevertheless” is important. Also look carefully at examples, if there are any, and try to analyze their significance to the passage.

Re-reading the relevant sentences while answering is fine. In fact, quickly browsing through the preceding and succeeding bits too will ensure correct grasp of the idea.

It might also not be a bad idea to glance through the questions before reading the passage to have a sense of what to look for.

Practice doing these things at the time of your GMAT Prep.

Take mock tests in the course of your GMAT Prep, treating them as if they were the GMAT itself. This will help determine where you need improvement.

While giving the exam, do not spend too much time on one RC. If you find yourself unable to answer questions, move on.

Follow the same strategy when taking the GMAT as you have for GMAT Prep.


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