GMAT 750 | Multiple US top-20 admits with $$$ | ISB admit and experience | Suraj’s story!




Experts’ Global: Hi Suraj, thank you for your time today! Could you kindly share your story in your words?

Suraj: Sure, thanks for having me! I have a background in Financial Economics, and with two years of work experience, in 2020, I decided to pursue my MBA and chase professional growth acceleration.


Experts’ Global: In your opinion, what actions of yours made all the difference?

Suraj: Firstly, I started early with my application work, and I think that helped a lot. Considering that most schools’ round one admission deadlines are in October, give yourself preferably nine months of preparation time and begin your work in February.

Secondly, talking to many people from my professional circle and personal groups who had also done MBAs gave me great clarity. In case you do not have such individuals in your own network, you can use LinkedIn to begin your outreach.

Thirdly, taking the assistance of ISB admissions consultants Experts’ Global was a good move on my part. They helped me streamline my profile and most effectively bring out its USPs.


Experts’ Global: Looking back, what mistakes did you make along the way?

Suraj: Many schools ask if you attended any information session or seminar of theirs in their application forms. I had not done so, and looking back, this seems like a misstep. Considering how competitive the MBA admissions process is, giving the impression that you are not engaging fully with the school’s admissions process can give a slightly negative impression. I also feel like I did not use GMAT mocks as thoroughly as I should have.


Experts’ Global: Going back to your GMAT prep phase, what were the main resources that you used, and what tips would you give to future GMAT aspirants regarding that?

Suraj: Ensure that you use a high-quality GMAT online course for your prep. Make sure to attempt all the practice questions in the official material. Manhattan Prep is also a good resource base, as is the Critical Reasoning Bible by Power Score.

As far as advice goes, set a study timeline that fits your abilities and rigor in prepping. Do not blindly follow the timelines set by others. Make sure that you practice questions that match the complexity of those on the actual GMAT, and do not attempt extremely difficult questions instead. Focus on developing your understanding of the concepts in the GMAT syllabus.

Try not to look at the GMAT as a hurdle, but rather as an opportunity to polish your intellectual toolkit. Having some perspective on how a 760 on the GMAT might be the 99th percentile, but even a 700 is still a high 88th percentile, can help you manage anxiety.


Experts’ Global: How would you describe your business school interview experience?

Suraj: Above all else, make sure that your MBA interview prep is in place. Think about the kind of questions that are likely to pop up in any interview, and frame some guidelines for yourself to tackle each of the same. Be prepared for questions that dig a bit deeper into your impact in your industry or your viewpoint on tackling some of the challenges in your domain. These questions help interviewers judge your insight and motivation.


Experts’ Global: What common mistakes should all GMAT and MBA applicants avoid?

Suraj: The timelines that you make for yourself, especially for your GMAT prep, have to be flexible enough to account for any contingencies. Right before beginning your studies, take a free GMAT practice test to see where you stand. Make sure that you have a positive mindset during the applications journey, and have your outreach to current students and alumni from your targeted schools well underway.

Further, when selecting schools, look beyond the rankings alone. Think about how a school’s strengths sync with your professional goals, look at its ROI for your particular domain of interest, and get a handle on its culture through your preparatory conversations.


Experts’ Global: What is your final advice for our readers?

Suraj: Above all else, make sure that you have enough time in hand to get your GMAT done properly and your application materials optimized before your school deadlines come around. Plan for contingencies, and get an MBA admissions consultant to help you out with your journey.


Experts’ Global: This has been quite enlightening, Suraj!

Suraj: I too enjoyed this conversation!


Experts Global

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