Charting an early path to success through an ISB YLP admit | Anuj’s story!




Experts’ Global: Hi, Anuj! Thank you so much for taking out the time for this interview. Could you kindly share your journey in your own words?

Anuj: My MBA journey began with my preparations for the GMAT kicking off in the penultimate year of my undergrad. I wished to accrue a few years of work experience and broaden my perspective through full-time professional immersion before taking up post-grad studies, making the GMAT appealing to me. My GMAT score would stay valid for five years and allow me to apply for an MBA in the future.


Experts’ Global: What are the factors that you think made all the difference in your success?

Anuj: I planned to take the GMAT two months after beginning my preparations; hence, I was doubly careful with my studies. I made sure to make a note of each error I made while solving questions on the GMAT practice tests. Over time, I learned to avoid the mistakes I had already made and began to understand the logic at play in many GMAT question types.


Experts’ Global: With the benefit of hindsight, what are a few mistakes you believe you committed in the process?

Anuj: My Quant score on my final GMAT attempt was lower than I had expected. Reaching out to some of my friends who had also attempted the GMAT, I realized that the difficulty level of the Quant practice questions in the official material is a bit on the lower side. Accordingly, I would advise students to take a GMAT online course in addition to leveraging the material on the official GMAT website.

Developing a reading habit is a huge plus, and comes particularly in handy while attempting sentence correction questions. There is only so much practice one can do in a short span for the Verbal section, and being well read helps one do that much better on the GMAT.


Experts’ Global: What were the main resources that you used for your GMAT preparation?

Anuj: I used the official material and free practice resources available on MBA.com. I also used the Experts’ Global GMAT mock tests, taking eight GMAT practice tests within a fortnight.


Experts’ Global: According to you, what should be the frequency and number of mock tests that a GMAT aspirant should attempt?

Anuj: Taking mock tests is vital to getting a high GMAT score. You should focus on selecting high-quality mocks to take, and you can try out a free GMAT practice test from each mock series vendor to assess their utility yourself.  Take mocks at regular points throughout your GMAT prep and not just a week or two before the actual test. When your mock results stabilize to within a 15-mark range of your targeted GMAT score, you are ready.


Experts’ Global: According to you, what are a few common mistakes that all GMAT takers should avoid?

Anuj: The primary mistake people seem to make is to give equal attention to preparing for all the GMAT sections. You should try and identify which section is your weakness, and allocate greater energy to mastering it. However, do not get carried away with spending all your time preparing for one GMAT section alone. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to experienced MBA admissions consultants for guidance on your GMAT prep and further applications. Spending a little more early on can make a huge difference in your eventual MBA admits.


Experts’ Global: Would you kindly describe your interview experience with the business school?

AnujI received an interview admit to ISB, under its Young Leaders Programme. An ISB alum took my interview and made sure to interrogate each aspect of my profile. My MBA interview preparation was useful in helping me respond articulately to his queries.


Experts’ Global: What tips would you give to all the MBA applicants out there?

Anuj: My advice to MBA aspirants is to be very particular with respect to the courses and schools they apply to. Reach out to alumni and current students from the business schools you are targeting, and take the time to understand how each school’s USP aligns with your profile and ambitions. In my case, I reached out to ISB admissions consultants Experts’ Global for help; try and find a similar advisor to guide your application journey!


Experts’ Global: What is your final message to our readers?

Anuj: My final message to the readers is to understand that one bad score on the GMAT does not prevent you from retaking and excelling on the test. Do not focus overmuch on getting a top score on your first GMAT attempt and instead concentrate on building a multidimensional profile. Sometimes, the MBA dream takes a while to manifest; you need to keep the faith.


Experts’ Global: Thank you for sharing your story with us today!

Anuj: My pleasure! It was very nice speaking with you, as well!


Experts Global

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