From the Merchant Navy life to the ISB dream | Vipin’s success story!




Experts’ Global: Hi Vipin, thank you so much for interviewing with us today! May we request you to please share your story in your own words?

Vipin: Hi! I graduated from the Indian Maritime University with a Bachelor’s in Nautical Science in 2017. I then joined the Norwegian shipping company Gearbalk. Deciding to take the GMAT in 2020, I was one of the first to take the test in its online format. Early this year, I reached out to Experts’ Global for its ISB admissions consulting, and secured admission to the ISB PGP.


Experts’ Global: In your opinion, what are the actions you took that made all the difference?

Vipin: I believe that the well-defined structure of my applications strategy was a huge factor in my success. While preparing for the GMAT, I compartmentalized the decision on school shortlisting and research for the future, focusing solely on my studies for the exam. Using three months to ready myself for the test, I took several GMAT practice tests to consolidate my confidence, secured my targeted score on the GMAT, and then proceeded to shortlist schools.

Finding the right sync between a school’s offerings and my professional aspirations was the first part of the shortlisting process. I settled on five or so schools, the ISB among them. Thereafter, I reached out to alumni and current students from my targeted schools. This further helped me clarify my motivations to attend the schools I had shortlisted. The penultimate step for me was taking Experts’ Global aid which proved vital in helping me complete my essays and other materials well for my successful ISB application!


Experts’ Global: With the benefit of hindsight, what are some mistakes you made along the way?

Vipin: When working on the applications for the five schools I was targeting, I lost a little momentum because I took breaks in between different applications. Since the essays and procedures for each school were unique, I felt I was burning out by completing all the applications at a stretch. I would say that you should avoid this mistake of mine, and complete your applications in one go!


Experts’ Global: Regarding your GMAT preparation, what were the main resources that you used and what advice do you have for future candidates?

Vipin: For my GMAT prep, I used the official guide, Verbal Review, and the Experts’ Global GMAT online course. I took my materials on board with me, spending three months at sea while also studying for the GMAT. Once I was done with my studies, I took GMAT mocks at regular intervals thereafter. Importantly, I maintained a record of my errors and gradually improved my learning gaps until I felt confident enough to take the GMAT for real.


Experts’ Global: According to you, what is the frequency of mock tests that GMAT aspirants should aim for?

Vipin: Do not take three or four mocks in a day. Personally, I started taking mocks regularly around 20 days before my exam, attempting one mock every other day until the test date arrived. In the process, I was able to gradually plug in the gaps in my concepts and increase my comfort with the GMAT’s format.


Experts’ Global: What are a few common mistakes that you believe GMAT aspirants must avoid?

Vipin: When deciding to take the GMAT, aspirants may often be intimidated if other people in their circle are also taking the test and appear to be further ahead than they are. Shut out the noise, and take a free GMAT practice test to see where you stand for yourself. Believe in your strengths and form a preparation strategy that plays to those strengths!


Experts’ Global: Can you tell us more about your experience with managing the application timeline?

Vipin: Time management was essential for me while tackling the applications. The school shortlisting process needs to be undertaken wisely, after which it is advisable to work on your applications as per the deadline of each targeted school. Map out a timeline for each application that demarcates three to four days for your essays, a day or two for your resume, and appropriate time brackets for other materials too.


Experts’ Global: Could you please describe your interview experience with ISB?

Vipin: My interview experience with ISB was very good! The interview panelists did all they could to make the interview interactive, and to dive deep into my background. They were particularly interested in my idea of my strengths, and how I have worked to shore up my weaknesses and overcome my failures. It was clear that the panelists were thoroughly aware of the information in my application, and I held up well under their cross-questioning thanks to the MBA interview preparation program at Experts’ Global.


Experts’ Global: What would be your advice to the GMAT and MBA aspirants out there?

Vipin: Starting with your GMAT preparations, maintain an error log while taking mocks and attempting practice questions to identify and improve on your weak areas. Make sure that you are completely clear on your MBA motivations. You need to know what the opportunity cost of the MBA is for you, and how it stands to give you a competitive edge.

Ensure that your resume is a quick look at the core of your profile and successes. In your essays, being genuine and individualistic with your writing style will make a huge difference. Knowing what your essays say and imply throughout will help you immensely in the interview as well.

Overall, the application process can be tiring. Ensure that you keep your energy up and your inspiration for the MBA journey intact!


Experts’ Global: Thank you so much for your time and your profound insights, Vipin!

Vipin: My pleasure, and best of luck to the aspirants reading this!


Experts Global

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