GRE Subject Tests- Do I Need Them

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The GRE Subject Tests are not as widely popular as the GRE General Test. Hence, many people do not know the details regarding them. But one can become well versed regarding the same after going through the GRE online Prep programme.

What are GRE Subject Tests?

GRE Subject Tests are tests that evaluate your knowledge in a specific subject. You can take this test for a subject if you have a strong background in the subject.  This will be beneficial for seeking admission in the grad schools. Though the scores in this test are not a requirement for seeking admission into grad schools, you may submit your score as an additional document to the Admission Panel for consideration along with your undergrad academic records and recommendations. Many PhD programmes in the US have made it mandatory to submit the scores of the subject tests.  In such cases, you are not left with any choice but to appear for the test. Before taking a decision whether to attempt these tests or not, you may want to check with the school you are interested in regarding the weightage given to these test scores for admission. The GRE Subject Test cannot replace the GRE General Test. The 2 hour 50 minutes test is administered in the paper delivered format and not on the computer like the GRE General Test. These tests are conducted thrice-yearly in the months of September, October and April at paper-delivered test centres across the world.

You earn one point for each multiple choice question answered correctly and lose one-fourth point for each incorrect answer. Your raw scores are scaled and your final score would lie in the range of 200 to 990.


The reputed online GRE Prep programmes cater to all the seven disciplines for which the Subject Tests are conducted -Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology; Biology; Chemistry; Literature in English; Mathematics; Physics and Psychology. The online GRE Prep programme provides a practice book containing full- length tests, answer keys and test-taking strategies for each subject.

The GRE online Prep experts have devised various strategies for success in the exam. The GRE online Prep material will enlighten you on the key topics on which questions are asked repeatedly. You may not need to study in depth the topics which are rarely asked. The GRE online Prep material for each subject has been carefully prepared by expert GRE trainers. The practice questions provided in the GRE online Prep programme are of a higher difficulty level than the questions on the main exam. Hence, you will find the main exam a lot easier. You will not only find the answer but also detailed explanation from the experts for each question of the sample tests provided in the GRE online Prep material.

Give yourself at least 3 months preparation time. Do not stress yourself by trying to be familiar with everything new. Focussing on the topics which have more weightage can be one of the strategies. Practice more questions to get a broad exposure to these topics.


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