How to Derive Best Value from a Career Counsellor

career counselling by career counselor

Career Counsellors in Delhi today not just help you secure a job, but they look at the broader aspect of planning your career. Choosing the best career option from the plethora of emerging professional opportunities could be a daunting task for you. Career Counsellors in Delhi will help you choose the viable option based on your unique strengths, interests and long-term objectives.

Before going to a Career Counsellor, introspect what help you are looking for. The best time to visit a Career Counsellor is not when you face the axe. You should look at career planning with a long-term vision and not as a problem solving process. You should know your needs before visiting the Career Counsellor.

There are many Career Counsellors in Delhi. You should find out who the best is and whose services would be fruitful for you. Use your network for this search. Start searching by approaching your friends or peers who could give you suggestions based on their experiences. You can get in touch with a referral by inquiring at the alma mater’s career services office.

First and foremost, you should open up to the Career Counsellor regarding your concerns. You may be facing mid-career crisis, or looking for a job shift, or wanting to go in for higher education. Discuss your difficulties and doubts with the Career Counsellor. Career Counsellors in Delhi are trained psychologists who can guide you in taking the right career decisions and overcoming your difficulties or confusions.

The reputed Career Counsellors in Delhi will ask you to undergo an aptitude test. Your Career Counsellor will interpret the test results and come up with a list of viable career options for you based on your strengths. The Career Counsellors opine that you should follow your passion. Personal counselling sessions with the experts will help you choose the right career option from the list of possible options. Be frank, honest and open about your interests and aspirations during these sessions. The Career Counsellor will discuss each viable career option from the list in detail explaining to you the pros and cons of each. Eliminate the career choices from the list in which you are least interested.

Your Career Counsellor in Delhi can help you with job-hunting strategy, by providing tips on enhancing your resume and by enlightening you when you are undergoing job stress. They can improve your human relations skills to help you more easily resolve personal conflicts that may arise at workplace. They know the latest trainings and courses available for each field and, may recommend that you enrol for what is the best for you. This could provide the necessary boost to your career.

Job-shift shouldn’t be done just for the heck of it. It must add value to your career. Your Career Counsellor in Delhi will not only help in shifting your job but also ensure that it happens at the right time. You will benefit from their experience in recruitment and extensive knowledge about various careers. The best Career Counsellor in Delhi will ensure that your next job is in alignment with your long-term goals.


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