How to Nail the MBA Interview

MBA Interview

Once the hurdle of getting shortlisted after the review of your essays is crossed, the next and final leap before you land into the business school of your choice is the all-important interview. Experienced MBA Admissions Consultants can guide you on how to conduct yourself during the interview and what your responses should entail.

Here are some pointers good MBA Admissions Consultants would stress you keep in mind:


Dress Professionally:

Dress in a dry-cleaned, crisply-ironed business suit. Present a neat, smart, business-like self.

Be Organized:

Keep relevant documents that you might have occasion to show handy. Arrange them sequentially in a folder.

Reach Before Time:

You will have time to observe the surroundings and get comfortable. Also, reaching late can make you nervous.

Be Confident:

Show self-confidence from the moment you walk in.

Mind Your Body Language:

Know that you will be judged on body language. Be conscious of your conduct.

Communicate Effectively:

Good MBA Admissions Consultants can teach you to put your points across lucidly and effectively. For international students, displaying fluency in spoken English is desirable.

Do Some Research:

Research on the kind of interview process you are likely to be put through plus the questions you may be asked and prepare accordingly. MBA Admissions Consultants will help in preparation.

Prepare Yourself to Answer Questions:

Spend time thinking about and practicing responses to likely questions. If you have applied to multiple schools, be thorough with what you have submitted to the school in question. Take help from your MBA Admissions Consultant to formulate a substantive explanation if there is a gap in studies or career, or if you have not performed well at some point. Brush up stuff from your academics and important projects. Preparedness will increase confidence.

Highlight Your Skills and Interests:

Good MBA Admissions Consultants can guide you about what bits from your profile are the most relevant. Other than degree(s) or work experience, you may want to (or may be required to) highlight your community service initiatives and interests. Call something your interest only if you are sufficiently involved. Highlight analytical skills, decision-making abilities and leadership potential. Be ready to answer questions about how you would approach certain real-life problems.

Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses:

Being self-aware is itself a strength! Be prepared to answer how you plan to address your weaknesses.

Be Clear About Goals:

Be ready with persuasive reasons for wanting MBA and for applying to the particular school. Discuss the worthy work you want to do post-MBA rather than relating dreams of grandness.

Be Aware:

Knowledge on current affairs and general awareness may be tested. You may be questioned on that very day’s headlines.


Confidently respond if asked whether you have questions. Think of good questions beforehand.  See the interview as a conversation.

Be Honest:

If you do not know the answer to some question, say so without hesitation. Do not beat about the bush.

The best MBA Admissions Consultants will help you prove you are the asset your essays projected you to be and can make it big.


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