ISB PGP admit and experience | Sai Tejaswini’s journey!

ISB PGP admit and experience


Experts’ Global: For the readers, please share your journey, and your story in your own words.

Sai Tejaswini: Hi everyone, I’m Tejaswini, from Andhra Pradesh. I did my engineering in Electronics and Communication from SV University and worked for around 3.5 years as a VLSI engineer at Wipro. I wanted to take up more responsibility, have more exposure, and learn about how the business side of things works. So, I decided to get an MBA. I took GMAT, and with the guidance from ISB admission consultant, got admits from ISB, and a few IIMs. I decided to join ISB based on my work ex and diverse peer group.


Experts’ Global: In your opinion, what are a few factors or actions you took, that made the difference?

Sai Tejaswini: The following two factors made a significant difference in my journey:
• Finding the correct GMAT online course.
• Regular practice (GMAT mock tests during GMAT prep and mock interviews in the applications phase).


Experts’ Global: With the benefit of hindsight, what are a few mistakes you believe you committed in the process? What are a few common mistakes that you believe GMAT aspirants/MBA applicants must avoid?

Sai Tejaswini: These were a few of the learnings from my mistakes:
• There are a lot of resources available on the internet which make you confused, resulting in the loss of time. I’d suggest getting in touch with professionals who have gone through the process before. Understand what worked for them and what didn’t. It may not be the same for everyone but choose what works for you.
• Start preparing early and choose exam dates well in advance to avoid missing your preferred slot (especially the rush just before admission season begin). Practice mocks at your slot timings to get adjusted. Time your breaks too to avoid missing out on real exam time.
• Eat and sleep well before the exam.
• Look up the college codes/names you want to apply.


Experts’ Global: What are the main GMAT resources you used in your preparation? What advice will you give to future candidates?

Sai Tejaswini: I used various online resources for GMAT prep, here’s the list:
• Manhattan to brush up quant basics
• E-GMAT for verbal
• GMAT club tests for quant (very similar to the exam) – got this free on purchase of a verbal course on E-GMAT. Purchasing some other courses listed on the GMAT club can also help you get these for free.
• Chinese burned template in GMAT club for AWA
• Official guides and official mocks (buy all official mocks if possible – scores closely reflect the exam scores)


Experts’ Global: What are your thoughts about mock tests? How many mocks and at what frequency should aspirants take the mock tests?

Sai Tejaswini: I’d urge you all to take mocks. It is very important to get used to the time taken for a full-length test. It also helps in planning your breaks. It is better to get confident on your basics first, practice well, and take mocks once a month initially, every two weeks in the next phase, and once or twice (every 3-4 days) a week in the last month/before the exam.


Experts’ Global: What would you like to say about your learnings from managing the applications timelines?

Sai Tejaswini: Start well before so that you can make multiple iterations on getting feedback. Follow the social handles, reach out to people, especially alums and current students as there is a possibility of getting access to buddies, application workshops, admission team meets, etc., Get done with GMAT, then focus solely on the essays, and MBA interview prep. Try to reach out to the current batch to get an application fee waiver/discount.


Experts’ Global: Please describe your interview experience with the school and your MBA experience.

Sai Tejaswini: My interview was more of a conversation type, very relaxed. They tried to understand why I wanted to do an MBA and why now? I was honest and told my own story, personal, academic, and work experiences to sum up the journey to reach there. I also had short discussions on leadership, cross-functional knowledge, any extracurriculars, difficulties faced at work, hobbies, and volunteering experience.

It was a rollercoaster and a truly enriching one. Sadly, my MBA was online mostly but we made the most out of it. I have enjoyed the insightful class discussions and the profs are amazing. Among the never-ending pre-reads, assignments, term exams, case comps, placement prep, events, parties, etc is where I learned what I liked and learned to prioritize. The diverse peer group made me humbler, developed different perspectives, and reduced my biases. Help was always given when I sought it. I have earned a wonderful community for a lifetime! 🙂


Experts’ Global: Please tell us about your experience of job search during the MBA. What tips will you give to future candidates?

Sai Tejaswini: A lot of companies came to the college. So, do prioritize and make your own list. Attend the company talks and try to ask questions. It is important to understand what role you are interested in and start making the resume well beforehand, talk to the alums in similar roles, get multiple resume reviews, and mocks. Be part of multiple placement prep teams with your cohort and keep practicing!! Don’t be demotivated if you are not getting shortlists, or converts. Learn from your mistakes and persevere. There will be plenty of opportunities even after MBA.


Experts’ Global: Please tell us about your journey post-MBA. How has the entire pre-application experience and the MBA experience contributed to your growth, post-MBA?

Sai Tejaswini: The support from the alum community is amazing after you graduate. You can reach out to them for any type of guidance. You get multiple off-campus job referral opportunities and can easily shift your jobs if you don’t like the current one. I’d say the entire experience did equip me to face ambiguity better, try new things out of my comfort zone, and develop big-picture thinking.


Experts’ Global: What are a few suggestions you will give to the future GMAT aspirants & MBA applicants in their complete journey of preparation and the application process?

Sai Tejaswini: Please try to speak to the ones who have already gone through the journey. Just googling/YT prep materials leads to confusion. Start the prep well before and be open to feedback. Be prepared for any questions based on the points in your resume/essays. If possible, team up with others on the same journey for motivation. Keep learning, have fun and enjoy the ride! Best days are just ahead!


Experts’ Global: Thanks a lot for sharing your learnings and suggestions with us!


Experts Global

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