Knowing the GRE Question Types

Knowing the GRE question typesRigorous preparation through an online GRE Preparation course for the GRE exam can fetch you high scores by habituating you to solve questions within the allotted time frame.

The Format

Going through the online GRE Preparation courses, you will know that the new GRE format is composed of two Analytical Writing Assessment Essays (30 minutes each), two verbal ability sections (30 minutes each) and two quantitative ability (35 minutes each) sections. Additionally, you may get an experimental section on verbal or quantitative ability which is not scored. The Analytical Writing section always appears first, while the order of the other sections varies. Each section comprises of 20 questions. Within each section, you have the flexibility of skipping a particular question if you don’t know the answer and come back to it later if time permits. But this flexibility is only for the section on which you are working currently.

Analytical Writing Section

While undertaking the mock tests by online GRE Preparation courses, you might be tempted to skip this section and directly approach the Verbal/ Quant section. During the GRE exam, you would have already spent 1 hour in essay writing and your energy levels would have come down which will affect your speed and scores. The main purpose of the mock tests given in the online GRE Preparation courses is to let you know where you stand and if you don’t follow the procedure of the actual exam during these tests, the scores of these mock tests would give you an entirely wrong picture.

Verbal Section

The online GRE preparation courses give enough exposure to Text Completions (TC), Reading Comprehensions (RC) and Sentence Equivalence questions. You can get thorough practise in the TC area by working on the one-blank, two-blank and three-blank questions as 2 questions of each type are bound to appear in your verbal section. The practice tests on RCs have the right mix of medium reading passage, short reading passage and paragraph argument which are the exact replica of the kind of RCs which you would get in the exam. The mock questions on Sentence Equivalence will guide you to approach such questions with tact rather than making blind guesses. You need to have a good pace for the RCs, else you might lose on time during the main exam and the online GRE preparation courses help you improve your speed in this area.

Quantitative Section

The quantitative section consists of questions from Quantitative Comparison, Problem Solving and Data Interpretation. The online GRE preparation courses offer mini tests for each of the topics which would strengthen your grasp on each topic of the syllabus covered. Once you have mastered all the topics, you can appear for the comprehensive math tests offered by the online GRE preparation courses, where at the end of the test the results will show your weak areas, which you need to work on further. Like your verbal section, it is important to have a good pace for the quantitative section.


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