7 Useful Places to Find GMAT Videos

Watch GMAT Videos

If you are wondering which GMAT videos are the best to attain a high score, you would know this right after reading this article. You can choose from this list:

Magoosh GMAT videos

Magoosh has a series of video lessons in its library for the verbal and the quantitative sections. Apart from this, they have a comprehensive collection of 800 practice questions accompanied by explanation videos for each question. These explanation videos by the GMAT experts have clear and concise explanations of the concepts and details about the pitfalls which can result in a setback during the exam. If you are not clear with any of these concepts or techniques, you can reach out to the online support tutor who would be more than willing to give you clarity on the important concepts.

Veritas Prep GMAT videos

The video lessons of the Veritas Prep have an HD recording as a backup for you to go back and review the lessons after the class, when time permits. Getting trained by the world’s best GMAT instructors live through the GMAT videos gives the feeling of sitting in a real classroom as one can stop at any point and ask questions or get clarification in case of doubts.

Manhattan GMAT videos

The GMAT Interact videos by Manhattan have an exhaustive set of over 35 interactive lessons that cover every topic tested on the exam. The coalition of the expert instruction with the latest technology makes the learning engaging and interesting. The interactive quizzes, cartoons and occasional sock puppet challenge your brain and help you understand the concepts better. A correct answer to a practice question may take you to another tougher question, while a wrong answer may take you to a detailed explanation video by one of the instructors.

GMAT Prep Now GMAT Videos

The GMAT videos offered by GMAT Prep Now were created by the GMAT expert with 20 years of experience in the field. Each module is explained in a step-by-step manner, thus proving to be your learning guide. You need not buy the entire package. You have the flexibility to buy only the modules in which your concepts aren’t clear. You have a 12-month access to all the GMAT Prep videos of the module purchased.

Khan Academy GMAT Videos

The Khan Academy has a comprehensive set of GMAT video lectures on Data Insufficiency, Problem Solving and Integrated Reasoning. It is advised to first go through the practice test on your own and then look at these videos for explanations.

Kaplan GMAT Videos

Kaplan has 13 online GMAT videos which will help you understand the concepts and strategies to approach all sorts of questions that may be asked in the exam. You can watch and review these videos as many times as you want. Additionally, you are provided with quizzes and online workshops with over 160 hours of online instruction and practice.

Experts’ Global GMAT Videos

The 39 recorded sessions will provide an experience akin to that of being taught. Difficult concepts are explained lucidly so that you can understand them properly. Concepts that are not easily found in books are also explained so as to provide you an edge. You will find in these videos time-efficient test-taking strategies plus practice questions for all possible question types for each section/sub-section on the GMAT.


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