Why Do Business Schools Want Work Experience?


The MBA Admission Consultant will tell you that most of the renowned business schools have pre-MBA work experience as one of the primary criteria while short-listing candidates. Even if you apply to a school which does not have this criterion, you may lose out on a chance to get admission due to fierce competition. Your MBA Admission Consultant will give you further insights into the importance of work experience in securing a seat in the business schools.


Without any work experience, how can you be sure that you are interested in making a career in business? After your graduation, you would have plenty of opportunities in your technical field. By working for a few years within a company, you would get exposure to a vast variety of roles in the organization. You would now be able to decide which field suits you best. If you are interested in business, your MBA Admission Consultant will be able to guide you in short-listing the business schools based on your academic profile. The MBA Admission Consultant will discuss your long-term career plans and based on your work experience, suggest that you apply to the business schools where you have fair chances of getting shortlisted.


An international MBA programme requires you to possess teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills. Apart from learning the theoretical business concepts, you will be required to work on case studies and research projects in a diverse peer group. You need to resolve the real-world business issues by collating facts and figures, evaluating possible solutions using your knowledge and judgements based on your previous work experience. A good work experience proves that you have the ability and flexibility to work in a group setting. Discuss your work experience with the MBA Admission Consultant so that your application can be strengthened by showcasing your teamwork and interpersonal skills.


The Business schools want a diverse group of students belonging to different cultural backgrounds and professional settings. Your MBA Admission Consultant will tell you that the business schools lay extreme emphasis on mutual learning and a diverse group of peers can maximize the learning. You demonstrate this adaptability through your work experience. Usually, any workplace has employees from different professional and personal backgrounds. Your MBA Admission Consultant may insist that you cite examples which display that you easily fit into a new environment and accept new cultures.

Average Grades

If you have scored average grades during your graduation, you still stand a chance of getting selected into the MBA programme if you have a good work experience. Work experience shows that you have applied your learning from graduation and you have the practical knowledge. Your work experience is a proof that you can handle pressures, take up ownership of the tasks, know the priorities and can manage time well. The MBA Admission Consultant will help you craft your application by exhibiting your strengths through your work experience if you have been an average academic performer.


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