Chicago Booth


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University of Chicago: Booth MBA Admissions Details and Applications Essays 2016-17

Here is a snapshot of the vital information for the applicants


Chicago Booth values individuality because of what we can learn from the diverse experiences and perspectives of others. This mutual respect creates an open-minded community that supports curiosity, inspires us to think more broadly, take risks, and challenge assumptions. At Booth, community is about collaborative thinking and tapping into each other’s different viewpoints to cultivate new ideas and realize breakthrough moments every day.

Chicago Booth Essay: View this collection of shared Booth moments. Choose the moment that best resonates with you and tell us why.

Essay Guidelines:

  1. Choose the format that works for you. Want to illustrate your response visually? Submit a slide presentation. Like to express yourself with words? Write a traditional essay. Use the format that you feel best captures your response, the Admissions Committee has no preference.
  2. Determine your own length. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum length. We trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the space.
  3. Chicago Booth MBA Goal Questions: What is your immediate post-MBA goal? (250 characters max) What is your long-term post-MBA career goal? (250 characters max)
  4. Chicago Booth Optional Essay: Is there any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know? If so, please address in an optional essay. (300-word maximum)
  5. Chicago Booth Re-applicant Essay, Re-applicants only: Upon reflection, how has your thinking regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words)
  6. Chicago Booth Resume: Please submit a professional resume.


1 September 22, 2016
2 January 4, 2017
3 April 4, 2017



Current Class Size

Data not available.

Female Student

Data not available.

Male Student


International Students


Average Work Experience


Average GMAT

Data not available.

Average GPA


Total Tuition Fee


Application Fee




TOEFL Requirement

Data not available.

School Based Loan

Need based as well as profile based.

Scholarships/GA Opportunities

Chicago Booth Essays Writing and Editing Support

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The University of Chicago was founded in 1890 by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller and the American Baptist Education Society. William Rainey Harper became the first president. The first classes commenced in 1892. Business education found its roots in 1898 with the establishment of the College of Commerce and Politics. In 1902, Henry R. Hatfield was named the first Dean and the institution was renamed as the College of Commerce and Administration. In 1922, the first doctoral program in business was offered by the School. In 1932, the School was renamed as the School of Business. In 1959, it acquired the name – Graduate School of Business. David G. Booth, an alumnus of the School, endowed a gift of $300 million to the School and hence, the School was renamed in his honor as the Booth School of Business in 2008.


Its mission is to produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory and public policy

Core Strengths of the School

The Chicago Booth MBA program is built around the three keywords- Inquiry, Insight and Impact. This Chicago Approach proves to be a unique transformational experience for the students who imbibe the value of rigorous inquiry to evaluate problems in order to get greater clarity and understanding of the situation. The relentless curiosity with which the students approach a problem helps them dig deeper into the issue, thereby uncovering compelling evidences, challenging traditional thought process and generating greater insights into the situation. The broad spectrum of analytical tools and frameworks equips the students with relevant skills and knowledge to tackle any business challenge at any point in their careers. The alumni of the School are recognized all over the world for their signature Chicago Approach that enables them to handle ambiguous and uncertain situations with tact. The impact of Chicago Approach is throughout the careers of the students as it helps them demonstrate incisiveness and clarity in their leadership roles. The multi-disciplinary approach to the curriculum helps the students gain valuable insights into all the disciplines of business, thus enabling them to realize the impact of their decisions on other functional areas of business. This holistic business education proves to be an asset for the students and empowers them to thrive in any situation.

Uniqueness in MBA Pedagogy

The Leadership Effectiveness and Development LEAD program allows the students to benchmark their behavior with respect to critical aspects of leadership skills such as ability to influence others, conflict management, working in teams, interpersonal communication and presentation skills, etc. The course is designed to generate self-awareness among the students and develop greater interpersonal effectiveness by creating a personalized plan that would guide them in enhancing their leadership skills further.

The School provides hands-on learning experience to the students through the various Lab courses. Students work in teams over consulting assignments for leading organizations as a part of Management Lab course, where they get to interact with high-profile executives and involve themselves in new product development, business strategy and operational research. Students who dream to be entrepreneurs in future get first-hand experience of working on strategic and operational projects of startup companies through the New Venture and Small Enterprise Lab. Students have previously worked on areas such as competitive analysis, marketing plans, market research, strategy development, pricing models and marketing messaging for early-stage startups. The D4Foundations taps the latent innovative potential of students and helps them discover and implement ideas that have a strong user-centered foundation. Students who aspire to be entrepreneurs learn the entrepreneurial design method to identify the unmet needs of the industry and develop cutting-edge solutions to address these needs. The Clean Tech Lab allows the student teams to collaborate with a leading clean-tech firm or research laboratory over a project, where they develop insights into the challenges faced by clean-tech firms, and learn about the core principles and technologies that are the backbone of the firm. Students learn about the fine nuances of social entrepreneurship while working for a local non-profit organization or for-profit venture that has a social mission through the Social Enterprise Lab course, and provide valuable recommendations to accelerate the growth of the organization.



The School is located in Chicago, Illinois. The city’s vast water body comprises of the huge freshwater Lake Michigan, the Chicago River and the Calumet River, thus, enhancing the scenic beauty of Chicago and attracting tourists. Chicago is a major world financial center and is home to several financial exchanges such as the Chicago Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The city plays host to numerous Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies. The city provides several avenues of entertainment in the form of theatre, visual arts and music. The world renowned Chicago Symphony Orchestra performs at Symphony Theater for Classical music lovers.


Career Services at Chicago Booth takes up the responsibility of coaching and mentoring the students, so that they are well-equipped to craft their careers. A strong team of professionals is always available to guide the students in helping them refine their career goals and devising effective job hunt strategies to achieve their aspirations. A variety of web-based self-assessment tools and resources help the students assess their interests and strengths, thus helping them define their career goals. The Career Development Programming provides insights into industries and job functions, and aids the students in enhancing their professional network, and establishing their personal brand. The career advisors guide the students on crucial issues like switching careers and provide function specific coaching. There are workshops conducted to train the students on all aspects of job search such as resume and cover letter writing, marketing themselves, interviewing, negotiating job offers and networking.


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