"Do so" is the correct usage when "so" refers to an action."Do it" is the correct usage when "it" refers to a noun.
As "do" generally refers to actions, "do so" is more often correct than "do it".
2 is the only even number that is prime.
"Circular Reasoning"- The fallacy of assuming a conclusion to be true, in reaching the conclusion.
A favorite GMAT CR fallacy.
Example: Jack cannot lie because Jack always tells the truth.Example: A is true because B is true; B is true because A is true.
Approach for solving SCs:
1. Read the mother sentence.2. For underlined part, move to answer choices.3. Compare vertically to observe the difference in the choices.4. Eliminate 4 choices through vertical comparison while reading horizontally.5. Read the sentence end-to-end before marking an answer choice.
The error of comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined using a comma.Example: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.
Commas cannot join two independent clauses.Incorrect: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings, and she enjoys it.
In DS, an answer is achieved only when the answer is "consistent".
Q. Is X a multiple of 24?(1) X is a multiple of 6.(2) X is a multiple of 4.
X = 24 satisfies both (1) and (2), leads to "Yes".X = 12 satisfies both (1) and (2), leads to "No"."Inconsistent". Hence, insufficient. Answer is E.
1-week gap in prep hurts your progress by 3-weeks.
Practice RCs, everyday!The skill will help you in all sections and question types!!
Schedule your GMAT (only) once you get your target score on 3 consecutive mocks!
1-week gap in prep hurts your progress by 3-weeks.
Sum of first n positive integers: n x (n + 1)/2
Sum of first n positive even integers: n x (n + 1)
Sum of first n positive odd integers: n^2
On the GMAT, ensure 'completing' each section.- "no attempts" attract greater penalty than "negative attempts" do.
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