The error of comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined using a comma.Example: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.
Areal probability
When you need to find probability of a specific area to be selected out of the total area.
"The fallacy of drawing a conclusion based on one entity’s comparison with oneself"
-A favorite GMAT CR fallacy.
Example: Jack improved his score by 200%. Inference: Jack performed well. - Incorrect
The mind-map-strategy for RCs
1.Skim through the first paragraph.Take your eyes off the screen.
2. Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose" .Purpose is always very, very brief.Avoid paraphrasing the details.
3. Skim through the next paragraph.Take your eyes off.Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose".Link the purpose of the first paragraph with that of the second.
4. Keep repeating Step 3 for all the subsequent paragraphs.
While attempting AWA, type the first and the last paragraphs first.
- This will ensure that your essay will look 'complete', even if you run out of time.- This will give you more time to think about the middle paragraphs.
To find the "last digit" of a huge multiplication, simply multiply all the last digits.
324 x 533 x 43564 x 3 x 672.
The answer is "2".
In DS, beware of "exceptions".
Q. Is X positive?(1) |X| = X.
Because of the exception "X = 0" case, this statement is insufficient.
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